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Kulumi Mexico

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-19 at 22.16_edite

Her Name is 

Pastor Chevy tells the story of how he went to see a dear grandmother and her grandchild at her home in Oaxaca, Mexico, to give her some reading glasses. He had a Bible study there, and the passage on John 15 was about how we are to be bound to the Tree of Life. "That's the only way we can have fruit," he said. "Fruit like Love, Joy, Peace, Patience'. She was listening very, very carefully. On the way to the car, she followed him, and in tears, she said, "Everything about the Bible you just said is so true; I don't have love, joy, peace, or patience. I am sixty-eight years old and depressed and lonely."


Many people in this region have cataracts. Their vision only allows them to see light. She cannot read very well and now has limited sight. Pastor Chevy told the woman, "Here is a Kulumi audio Bible people have sent to you. You and your grandson can listen to the words of Jesus and his Father". The woman was overjoyed.  


Her name is Bernarda.  


My Name is Pastor Chevy

Pastor Chevy is a local evangelist at heart. He never stops sharing the love of God with whomever he meets, whether in Mexico or other South American countries. It's a joy, my brother, to send you another 300 Kulumi X with the whole Old Testament and New Testament in Spanish to give away.


zapotec People

1000 More Kulumi Audio NT in the Zapotec language have already been sent.  Estimated arrival is Jan 2024.  This project has been ordered and promised to some very excited Zapotec people.  We also have 300 more Kulumi X NT for Pastor Chevy to share with his village ministries.

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