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2023 Year In Pictures

When I told you God's good news, I was like someone who planted seeds. Then Apollos was like someone who gave water to the young plants. But it was God who caused everything to grow. 

1 Cor 3:6

People in Mexico showing an old lady how to use her Kulumi Player


The Otomi, pastor Chevy and Zapotec people in Central Mexico have loved their Kulumi NT in their heart language.  One lady on the translating team said her father listened to her Kulumi NT four times and gave it away to a friend saying "here you listen to this, I have four times already and know it"

1940 Kulumi NT Players

E. Africa

Kenya, Uganda and a refugee camp in Malawi hand hand delivered Kulumi players with over a dozen different NT languages.  Some where used in a trauma healing workshop.

562 Kulumi Audio Scriptures

Kenyan man holding his Kulumi Players
Happy lady receiving her Kulumi Mini with a light


Many went to the Philippines, and were requested in languages for Cambodia, Vietnam, Mongolia and Thailand.  They where received with great joy.

124 Kulumi Audio Bibles


Carol from the Philippines works for Campus Crusade for Christ asked for a Kulumi for her trip to Nepal.  This man from N. Nepal was overjoyed that he had just one Kulumi audio Scripture in Nepalese.  It reminded me just often I forget how precious and powerful just one Bible is.  He thanks us and says his wife works regularly with women where not one can read.   This Kulumi player will be a tool for the Kingdom there.  Amazing!


1 Kulumi Player

Carol giving this man in Nepal his auido bible.
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On the island of Sumba this man can now hear the Good News


The vast expanse of this island chain is the world's fourth most populated country.  The people on the island of Sumba received 25 Kulumis at Christmas by way of Aply who is from there.  She just wrote saying people keep coming to her home asking for more.  We just sent a large box of many more.  We just had to!

175 Kulimi Audio Scriptures (+70 donated by HTG)

Papua New Guinea

By way of another Divine encounter with my old friend Pastor Mark he carried back to PNG 25 Kulumi audio bibles in English and Pidgen.  They really want more.

25 Kulumi NTs Players

Happy people receiving their Kulumi players in Papua New Guinea
Pastor Selvilli with his collection to share of the Ukranian NT


Pastor Serhii from Ukrainie works full time with displaced people (mostly women) from the war.  He received portugalise and Ukranian Kulumi NTs for those living in southern Portugal.

200 Kulumi Audio Bibles


Post earthquake, we sensed the poor people sleeping in cold tents in Antioch might like reliable solar lights and the gift of Turkish and Kurdish NTs on their Kulumis. Pastor LLyas, covered in prayer, miraculously receive and shared these gifts.

50 Kulumi Audio NTs

Friends in Turkey sharing God's Love
Soldiers in Ukraine can use this device on the front line as it puts out no RF energy


After sending two boxes to a pastors address inside Ukraine and told many packages get lost, we recieved a notification it had been delivered.  But they had not.  Months later the message came through, they are here!  Here is a photo of a young solder that listened to the Words of Jesus and requested a 3 day leave from the war to be baptised.  

200 Ukrainian NTs on Kulumi players


We air-shipped more Kulumi players to a team that works with the Dalits, the least of these.  Three new regions in Delhi now have more audio Hindu NTs.  These people are viewed as throwaway people, but some can now listen of the One calling in the wilderness. Calling them one by one to follow Him!

60 Kulumi Audio Scriptures

Happy poor people in Indai
Pastor Jose sharing with friends

Puerto Rico

Guatemala, Brazil, Dominican Republic and Cuba all had hand-carried in personal hand luggage audio Bibles this year.  We just learned another church had sent 500 printed Bibles, and at the Havana port on arrival every one of them burnt! Praise the Lord the people of Cuba, begging for the Scriptures, now have 100 Kulumi Audio Scriptures playing in their homes.

600 Kulumi Players


A Pakistani pastor and 15yr old son we met at a conference in Bali.  We programmed in his hotel 30 Kulumi players of the Urdu NT.  They are warmly received in a place fiercely opposed to the Good News.

30 Kulumi Audio Scriptures

Pakistan poor gather to hear the Word
The Kulumi Conference team sharing around the world


Thank you Kulumi team for sending a few of us to NRB Orlando, BlueMed Malta, EMDC Thailand, EMDC Mexico and New Wine England in 2023.  There Kulumi kindly donated many, many devices and as we shared the potential use of audio Scriptures, we too witnessed God's people around the world with a heart to reach their lost communities.  Divine encounters.

Java Wheels

Pastor Ryan drives over 50 miles a day over bumpy roads and even in a canoe on a river to reach mini clusters of Christians.  We are grateful for the Lords provision for a new Yamaha motorcycle to safely deliver the Good News, both written and audio on Kulumis.

Yamaha Motor Scooter +30+ Kulumis

Pastor Ryan gets his new motorcycle
The Kulumi sheep now joins the other Kulumi players in the Bible Museum in Mexico City

Bible Museum

At a recent confernece in Colombia, I was approached about who might help with next years new program for touring children of Spanish Bible Museum in Mexico City.  Areli the curator requested 100 Sheep. When we verified there were exactly 100 Kulumi sheep already on the way, it was clear we where to give them.

100 Kulumi Audio Sheep


Mrs Nana with children at Any Outreach in Tema, Ghana, finally received their air-shipped Kulumi Sheep players for their children's ministry.  Praise and prayers for young ears to hear the words of Jesus in English and Twi.

100 Kulumi Audio Sheep

A team shared Kulumi audio Sheep in Ghana

4167 kulumis - Thank you

We at The Cahaya Foundation are deeply committed to distribute audio scriptures as the Lord continues to lead and open doors around the world.  We maintain our mandate not to campaign or "fund-raise" funds .  If we trust God, he will provide all that is needed at just the right time! After gathering all this information, what God did with this little foundation in its first full year; we can only sit back and marvel how $59,577 (£46,800) used for purchasing and shipping Kulumis around the world came to be?  This has to be the work of God himself!


 More than the listed 4167 Kulumi units were given away and if each unit is listened to by an estimated 100+ people, pray with us and we will see some of this seed grow and people join us in Heaven.  

Thank you to the fantastic team in Asia that manufacture these little Kulumi players and for our partnership in the Kingdom. 


To many of you that faithfully prayed and gave, thank you.

We look forward to what God want to do in 2024.

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